Light Level Overlay Reloaded Mod 1.20.5 – 1.19.4 for Minecraft


Light Level Overlay Reloaded Mod 1.20.5 – 1.19.4 for Minecraft. Firstly this tool brings a lot of utility towards the game through its functionality. Also it will provide some assistance through light levels. Basically this modification will identify through light that where a mob will spawn. Mostly this process will occur through light levels and you can also see the numbers on the blocks to get idea.

Light Level Overlay Reloaded

Additionally the numbers will appear on the block and if they are below 7 then it is a sign that a mob is about to spawn. Moreover this is generally pointed towards mobs and also provide customization options as well. Furthermore it is a continuation of the mod which was released earlier but discontinued in 1.6.4 version. Have fun and let us know what you think about this.

Light Level Overlay Reloaded  1.20.5 – 1.19.4 Download:

For Minecraft 1.14.4

Release Date: 28th July, 2019
Version 1.2.1
File Size: 121.17 KB
Supported version: Minecraft 1.14.4
Author: oldjunyi
Download (Direct): 

Download  (Dev):



For Minecraft 1.13.2

Release Date: 1st June, 2019
Version 1.2.0
File Size: 123.95 KB
Supported version: Minecraft 1.13.2
Author: oldjunyi
Download (Direct):  Li-ght-Level-Overlay-Reloaded-Mod.jar        

For Minecraft 1.12.2

Release Date: 20th May, 2018
Version 1.1.6
File Size: 17.51 KB
Supported version: Minecraft 1.12.2
Author: oldjunyi
Download (Direct):  Li-ght-Level-Overlay-Reloaded-Mod.jar        

For Minecraft 1.11.2

Release Date: 30th December, 2016
Version 1.1.3
File Size: 16.86 KB
Supported version: Minecraft 1.11.2
Author: oldjunyi
Download (Direct):  Li-ght-Level-Overlay-Reloaded-Mod.jar        

For Minecraft 1.10.2

Release Date: 2nd July, 2016
Version 1.1.0
File Size: 16.87 KB
Supported version: Minecraft 1.10.2
Author: oldjunyi
Download (Direct):  Li-ght-Level-Overlay-Reloaded-Mod.jar        

For Minecraft 1.9.4

Release Date: 19th May, 2016
Version 1.0.7
File Size: 13.75 KB
Supported version: Minecraft 1.9.4
Author: oldjunyi
Download (Direct):  Li-ght-Level-Overlay-Reloaded-Mod.jar        

For Minecraft 1.8.9

Release Date: 25th March, 2016
Version 1.0.7
File Size: 13.59 KB
Supported version: Minecraft 1.10.2
Author: oldjunyi
Download (Direct):  Li-ght-Level-Overlay-Reloaded-Mod.jar        

Light Level Overlay Reloaded Mod Installation:

To get the Light Level Overlay Reloaded Mod up and running, download and run Minecraft Forge installer for your game version. It is a mandatory step as this mod uses Forge API files in order to function.
Download Light Level Overlay Reloaded.jar from the link above, keep it for a while. Do not try to extract the mod files.
Now open the mods directory

For Mac:

Click “Go” on the OS X menu bar and then click “Go to Folder.”
Type “~/Library/Application Support/minecraft” and then click “Go.”

For PC:

Press WindowsKey+R, type %appdata%/.minecraft and press Enter.
Now access mods folder and copy/move the mod file that you download earlier.
Now Start Minecraft Launcher, click Edit Profile and select Forge profile. Start the game, you will see a “mods” menu which will show you a list of added mods.
Create a new world and enjoy your modded Minecraft.

There has been few key points on which we were working. One of them is ensuring that a player will get the most secure content with any irritating advertisements. Second of them is the legit mods which were released officially by the developers and we make sure that we mention their name and the source as well. Thirdly we always try to improve with the passage of time and thats why we need your precious suggestions in order to improve ourself. So please share you thoughts through comment box and don’t forget to comeback here to check the latest updates of Minecraft.



Melissa Carlson, is an avid Minecraft player and content writer. She's working on Minecraft for the past 8 years and wanted to share the news related to this game. She always wants to produce content related to Minecraft which can help players and developers. She wrote several articles related to Fabric API, Optifine, Xray Mod, Voxelmap, Xaeroes minimap, and OptifForge Mod. She gained popularity in the Minecraft community through her work and now she's considered as a respectable member.

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