Corpse Mod 1.20.5 – 1.19.4 Recollect Loot in Minecraft


Corpse Mod 1.20.5 – 1.19.4 for Minecraft is a mesmerizing modification that solves a long-awaited problem in Minecraft. Basically, players had a lot of issues locating their previous death spot. In this case, they had to search many parts of the world and most of the time they lose their precious items. However, with the advent of this mod, players can now reclaim their loot items and their corpse as well.

What is Corpse Mod for Minecraft?

Firstly, this mod adds a new gameplay feature in which players can leave behind a corpse when they die. Moreover, the corpse is a physical representation of the player’s character that remains in the game world after the player dies. Similarly, a corpse can be interacted with, for example, players can loot it for their items.

In conclusion, this mod is useful for multiplayer, where players can recover their own items or other players’ items from their corpse or from the items on the ground around it, allowing the player to continue playing without having to start over from scratch each time they die. Indeed, it can also add a new layer of tension and realism to the game, making death have more consequences and encouraging players to play more cautiously.


Corpse Mod Death Coordinates

Corpse Mod Corpse Loot Inventory

Corpse Mod 1

Corpse Mod Death Message

Corpse Mod 1.20.5 – 1.19.4 Download

For Minecraft 1.20.5 (NeoForge, Forge)

Release Date: 23rd Apr, 24 (NeoForge) – 15th Mar, 23 (Forge)
Version 1.0.12 (NeoForge) – 1.0.2 (Forge)
File Size: 238.29 KB (NeoForge) – 238.29 KB (Forge)
Supported version: Minecraft 1.20.5
Author: henkelmax
Download (Forge): 

Minecraft Forge API:

Corpse Mod (NeoForge).jar


Download (Forge): 

Minecraft Forge API:

Corpse Mod (Forge).jar

Minecraft Forge

For Minecraft 1.19.4 (Forge)

Release Date: 15th Mar, 23 (Forge)
Version 1.0.2 (Forge)
File Size: 217.85 KB (Forge)
Supported version: Minecraft 1.19.4
Author: henkelmax
Download (Forge): 

Minecraft Forge API:

Corpse Mod (Forge).jar

Minecraft Forge

For Minecraft 1.18.2 (Forge)


Release Date: 15th Mar, 22 (Forge)
Version 1.0.1 (Forge)
File Size: 214.36 KB (Forge)
Supported version: Minecraft 1.19.3
Author: henkelmax
Download (Forge): 

Minecraft Forge API:

Corpse Mod (Forge).jar

Minecraft Forge

For Minecraft 1.17.1 (Forge)

Release Date: 11th Jan, 22 (Forge)
Version 1.0.7 (Forge)
File Size: 210.26 KB (Forge)
Supported version: Minecraft 1.17.1
Author: henkelmax
Download (Forge): 

Minecraft Forge API:

Corpse Mod (Forge).jar

Minecraft Forge

Fabric Installation Guide for Corpse Mod

Fabric is a Mod Loader as well as a toolchain (Java library) for installing and creating Minecraft mods for Release Versions and Snapshots. It’s an alternative to Forge API, which is still a stepping stone for enhancing gameplay through community-created mods. Fabric API is newer and lightweight compared to Forge, but it’s quickly updated with newer Minecraft versions and its mode base/quantity is increasing gradually. Fabric is also lightweight however it is still lacking behind in terms of compatibility while simultaneously running a different set of mods.

For player:

You can install Mods using Fabric Loader & API which comes with the automatic installer which creates profiles in Minecraft Launcher. Once you run the game once using newly created Launcher profile, then open %appdata%/.Minecraft and drop your favorite mod (.jar extension file) into the mods directory.

For developers:

If you are familiar with Java, there are extensive mod development guides and tools available to simplify the process. For example; Fabric Loom, Yarn, tiny-remapper, and Engima (for deobfuscation of Java bytecode). You can head over to the official wiki for more details.

Note: Fabric and Forge API mods cannot run together and will probably crash your Minecraft. Keep a copy of your save games before you experiment with the mods.

Corpse Mod Forge Installation Guide:

  • Keep one thing in your mind that Forge Mods require Minecraft Forge API and Fabric Mod needs Fabric API.
  • If your modification requires Forge and it’s not released for the required version then you can not play that on that version.
  • Generally, the Forge version takes a bit of time to release but it is justified.
  • Since the installation process is fairly simple which will need a few basic steps.
  • First of all, you need to download Minecraft Forge API (Basic API Tool).
  • Secondly, you are advised to create a Minecraft Forge Profile.
  • Moving forward, you are required to download the modification you want to use in Minecraft from above or below.
  • Interestingly, after running the game, the modification will start showing on Forge Profile.
  • Keep in mind, that if the tool is not showing on Forge Profile then try restarting Minecraft.
  • Mostly, restarting Minecraft works 90 out of 100 times and mod start showing.
  • Abracadabra, now the magical beings, and play your favorite mod in Minecraft.

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Melissa Carlson, is an avid Minecraft player and content writer. She's working on Minecraft for the past 8 years and wanted to share the news related to this game. She always wants to produce content related to Minecraft which can help players and developers. She wrote several articles related to Fabric API, Optifine, Xray Mod, Voxelmap, Xaeroes minimap, and OptifForge Mod. She gained popularity in the Minecraft community through her work and now she's considered as a respectable member.

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