
No Chat Reports Mod (1.20.5 – 1.19.4) Edit Chat for Minecraft

No Chat Reports Mod 1.20.5 – 1.19.4 is a tool that can easily save your account from getting banned from Minecraft. First of all, the recent update of Minecraft 1.19 adds a specialized cryptographic signature with every message that has been sent in the gameplay chat. However, this mod provides an option to remove that chat from your chat history, thus, saving your Minecraft account from getting banned.

Similarly, there are some strict guidelines that are implemented in the 1.19 version that is solely focused on countering hateful speech. But sometimes the user wants to save himself from trouble and rectify his mistake. In that case, you can use this mod to undo your mistake and save your account from getting banned.

Lastly. if you get banned then you will not be allowed to play in Multiplayer servers because servers rely on Mojang authentication services to authorize every attempt of the client to join them. So that they can be sure that you are using a legit account. In that case, Mojang refuses your request to join the multiplayer server.

No Chat Reports Mod 1.20.5 – 1.19.4 Download

For Minecraft 1.19.4 (Forge, Fabric)

Release Date: 23rd Mar, 23 (Fabric) – 23rd Mar, 23 (Forge)
Version 2.1.1 (Fabric) – 2.1.1 (Forge)
File Size: 569.99 KB (Fabric) – 255.12 KB (Forge)
Supported version: Minecraft 1.19.4
Author: Tiviacz1337
Download (Fabric): 


No Chat Reports Mod (Fabric).jar

Fabric API

Download (Forge): 


No Chat Reports Mod (Forge).jar

Minecraft Forge API

Guide to install No Chat Reports (Fabric):

Fabric is a Mod Loader as well as a toolchain (Java library) for installing and creating Minecraft mods for Release Versions and Snapshots. It’s an alternative to Forge API, which is still a stepping stone for enhancing gameplay through community-created mods. Fabric API is newer and lightweight compared to Forge, but it’s quickly updated with newer Minecraft versions and its mode base/quantity is increasing gradually. Fabric is also lightweight however it is still lacking behind in terms of compatibility while simultaneously running a different set of mods.

For player:

You can install Mods using Fabric Loader & API which comes with the automatic installer which creates profiles in Minecraft Launcher. Once you run the game once using newly created Launcher profile, then open %appdata%/.Minecraft and drop your favorite mod (.jar extension file) into the mods directory.

For developers:

If you are familiar with Java, there are extensive mod development guides and tools available to simplify the process. For example; Fabric Loom, Yarn, tiny-remapper, and Engima (for deobfuscation of Java bytecode). You can head over to the official wiki for more details.

Note: Fabric and Forge API mods cannot run together and will probably crash your Minecraft. Keep a copy of your save games before you experiment with the mods.

How to use Mod No Chat Reports (Forge):

First, you have to keep backup of Minecraft folder (in order to prevent the hassle from restoring corrupted files).
Secondly, install the required version of Minecraft Forge API or the latest one which is compatible with mod.
Thirdly download the mod file from above.
After that open Start Menu and type %appdata%/.minecraft
Now open mods folder and put the downloaded file into it.
Lastly, Start Minecraft with forge profile and enjoy every second of playing your favorite game.

In conclusion, we would like to mention this thing that users require is safe and secure content. Therefore we put our utmost effort to keep check and balance. Furthermore in order to ensure that the mods provided here are 100 percent legit and safe to use. In addition to that, we make sure that there is no fake or broken link is distributed. Moreover, if you have any query related to the content or want to share your precious suggestions. Most noteworthy you can use the comment section. Finally, we ensure you a really pleasant experience. Hence have fun and enjoy playing Minecraft with your favorite mods.

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