
Auxiliary Blocks Mod (1.20.5 – 1.19.4) Futuristic Blocks for Minecraft

Auxiliary Blocks Mod 1.20.5 – 1.19.4 is a fantastic creation that is purely focused on enhancing the quality of the existing Minecraft blocks. All the existing building block provide you the feature to add their pre-designed blocks. Now you can craft those blocks according to your will with the help of a stone cutter. Similarly, there are various features that can be explored during gameplay.

What is Auxiliary Blocks Mod for Minecraft?

Auxiliary Blocks is a mod for the game Minecraft that adds a variety of new blocks and features to the game. Some of the features that this mod adds include:

Decorative blocks: The mod adds a variety of decorative blocks, such as colored concrete, colored glass, and various patterns of wallpaper.

Functional blocks: The mod also adds a number of functional blocks, such as invisible blocks, blocks that can be placed on top of each other to create multiblock structures, and blocks that can be used to store and transport items.

Redstone improvements: The mod includes a number of redstone-related improvements, such as the ability to use redstone to control the behavior of blocks, and the ability to use redstone to trigger events or execute commands.

Miscellaneous features: The mod also includes a variety of miscellaneous features, such as the ability to customize the appearance of blocks, the ability to create custom paintings, and the ability to customize the behavior of mobs.

Overall, Auxiliary Blocks is a mod that adds a lot of depth and variety to the gameplay of Minecraft, and is well-suited for players who enjoy building and crafting in the game.

Auxiliary Blocks Mod 1.20.5 – 1.19.4 Download:

For Minecraft 1.18.2

Release Date: 20th December 2022
Version 0.2.3
File Size: 233.06 KB
Supported version: Minecraft 1.18.2
Author: ScaldaYT
Download (Forge):  Auxiliary Blocks Mod 1.18.2 Mod.jar

How to Install Auxiliary Blocks Mod for Minecraft:

  • Keep one thing in your mind that Forge Mods require Minecraft Forge API and Fabric Mod needs Fabric API.
  • If your modification requires Forge and it’s not released for the required version then you can not play that on that version.
  • Generally, the Forge version takes a bit of time to release but it is justified.
  • Since the installation process is fairly simple which will need a few basic steps.
  • First of all, you need to download Minecraft Forge API (Basic API Tool).
  • Secondly, you are advised to create a Minecraft Forge Profile.
  • Moving forward, you are required to download the modification you want to use in Minecraft from above or below.
  • Interestingly, after running the game, the modification will start showing on Forge Profile.
  • Keep in mind, that if the tool is not showing on Forge Profile then try restarting Minecraft.
  • Mostly, restarting Minecraft works 90 out of 100 times and mod start showing.
  • Abracadabra, now the magical beings, and play your favorite mod in Minecraft.

We do not tolerate any kind of misleading of the fans and that’s why we always mention the source as well. We request all the Minecrafters to be patient because the desired version might take a while to release. The modifications will be available right here after the release without any malicious links. Although it’s really hard to keep the check and balance on each and every mod we require some assistance from the community to discourage the distribution of fake content. We hope you will enjoy every bit of playing Minecraft. So have fun and keep coming here to check the fastest updates.

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